Casey Sister

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Casey Sister af Mind Map: Casey Sister

1. make a account

1.1. be his partner

1.2. help him prove everyone wrong

1.3. help him beat the game

1.4. play with him and say good things about him to other players

2. talk to him

2.1. ask him about what happen

2.2. tell him why he shouldn't listen to them

2.3. boris is just mad because he got someone new

2.4. give him advice

2.5. let him know people care about him

2.6. find a new game that is better

2.7. he shouldn't kill himself because of someone who lives in Russia

2.8. especially since they haven't personally met

3. cheer him up

3.1. not to believe what they say because he's good

3.2. tell him the others are jealous of him

3.3. make him laugh

3.4. go out with him and experience new things

4. he should not stop playing

4.1. he shouldn't let people bring him down

4.2. keep playing

4.3. try to talk to those who are talking down on him

5. go online

5.1. tell everyone the truth

5.2. let them know they are bullying

5.3. they shouldn't follow someone else steps or listen to others

5.4. let them know the situation

5.5. and tell them to stop telling my brother stuff