How can an elementary student use stop motion animation on the iPad to learn how to measure objec...

Mind map about our wondering and inquiry by Dana Harris and Margaret Kelly

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How can an elementary student use stop motion animation on the iPad to learn how to measure objects to the nearest unit in a way that is interesting and engaging to create an authentic product? af Mind Map: How can an elementary student use stop motion animation on the iPad to learn how to measure objects to the nearest unit in a way that is interesting and engaging to create an authentic product?

1. How can we get the student engaged in this technology?

1.1. We can increase enthusiasm about the iPad.

1.2. Let the student hold the iPad or move the props while making the video.

2. What background knowledge will the student already have about measurements?

2.1. According to CPALMS, students learn about measuring length with rulers in third grade.

3. How can we integrate technology into a mathematics lesson?

3.1. We will use the iPad, iMovie, and stop motion to create a movie that discusses a math concept.

4. Will the student enjoy the lesson?

4.1. We think that the student will enjoy the lesson because it is engaging and hands-on.

5. Will the student use these skills in the future?

5.1. The student will likely continue to use the iPad, iMovie, and stop motion animation in future lessons and projects.

5.2. Length measurement is also an everyday skill that the student will need.