Technology and Our Preception

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Technology and Our Preception af Mind Map: Technology and Our Preception

1. Reference

1.1. Gibbs, S. (2016, January 06). Intel launches x-ray-like glasses that allow wearers to 'see inside' objects. Retrieved March 14, 2016, from

1.2. Strickland, J. (2007, June 29). How Virtual Reality Works. Retrieved March 14, 2016, from

2. App I used

2.1. I used the augmented reality app called it shows me listing properties when I don’t have my laptop handy I can just pull out my cell phone and acquire the information I need it has helped me a lot because it contains all the information I need to contact the listing agent and even be able to see the picture off the listing properties. You don’t need to register in this app just download and you can find all the information you require regarding current listings in the market. I certainly see good future for this app because most of the realtors use it and even investors to keep an eye on listing in the market. Link for

3. Augmented Reality

3.1. Augmented reality uses the existing environment and overlays new information on top of it. Snapchat can be a perfect example of AG (Augmented Reality) which is downloaded on smartphones. By using snapchat you can add more filters to your picture. Another example of AR is that Intel has launched a set of glasses built into a helmet that give x-ray-like vision using its RealSense 3D camera. (Gibbs, 2016) mentions in his article that “The Smart Helmet has been tested by a range of Fortune 100 companies across aerospace, construction, oil and gas industries, and will be available for purchase in the first quarter of this year”. Mashable also explains it in a video that shows how snapchat is augmented reality.

4. Visual Reality

4.1. Virtual reality is way different from augmented reality where augmented reality adds information to existing environment, virtual reality is like an existence of a second life created with software and presented to the user in such a way that the user suspends belief and accepts it as a real environment. I agree with statement (Strickland,2007) “the concept remains the same - using computer technology to create a simulated, three-dimensional world that a user can manipulate and explore while feeling as if he were in that world”.