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Gunsmithing af Mind Map: Gunsmithing

1. What types of employment would I be able to do as a gunsmith?

2. How long is the training process to become a gunsmith?

3. How much will it cost to become a gunsmith?

4. What is the annual salary for a gunsmith?

5. A database of costs for attending gunsmith programs would be useful for cross comparison.

6. I would need to determine if it is within my budget to attend gunsmithing school.

7. I would need to determine the best school to attend for the level of expertise as a gunsmith that I wish to achieve.

8. I would need to look into requirements for certification and determine the level of schooling I would be comfortable starting out with.

9. I would need primary source information from a reliable source in order to get an accurate number.

10. You would need statistics from a government agency to determine average annual salary for a gunsmith.

11. General information about gunsmithing would help to determine the types of jobs that gunsmiths do. The schools that offer training as gunsmiths may have information as to what kind of employment a gunsmith can find.

12. Information from accredited schools that offer gunsmith training may offer vocational assistance upon completion of the training.

13. The career I'm interested in exploring is how to become a gunsmith.

14. Engraving

15. Is it possible to learn to become an gunsmith and an engraver at the same time?

16. Can a gunsmith be self employed?

17. Where do you learn to become an engraver?

18. Are there schools that teach both?

19. Do schools keep records of employment of students who have completed gunsmith training?

20. Government employment databases may have information as to how many gunsmiths are self employed.