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10 places af Mind Map: 10 places

1. italy

1.1. to see the colleseeum

1.2. leaning tower of pisa

1.3. food

2. greece

2.1. parthenon

2.2. beaches

2.3. food

3. bora bora

3.1. amazing hotels

3.2. clear water beaches

3.3. sight seeing

4. canada

4.1. syrup

4.2. hockey

4.3. snow

5. alaska

5.1. mountains

5.2. northern lights

5.3. animals

6. germany

6.1. concentration camp tours

6.2. castles

6.3. food

7. dubai

7.1. deserts

7.2. shops

7.3. go to the top of the tallest tower

8. london

8.1. the queen

8.2. telephome boxes

8.3. big ben

9. paris

9.1. eifel tower

9.2. shops

9.3. the Louvre (museum)

10. medeterrainian

10.1. beaches

10.2. resturants

10.3. hotels