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1. Natural disasters

2. Disasters are caused by human activities that alter normal environment . Some of these are: environmental pollution , erroneous and irrational exploitation of renewable natural resources such as forests and soil and nonrenewable such as minerals, building homes and buildings in high-risk areas .

3. Solution

4. The three fundamental steps to find solutions to pollution are: Knowing the causes. Report problems affecting us. Contribute to finding solutions. How can we help? Use of catalytic converters in cars to reduce polluting gases given off. Use of public transport and ecological means to pollute less. Water recovery: can recover chemically through biological treatments, with organisms that decompose organic matter into nitrate and carbon dioxide. Elimination of accumulation of nutrients in small lakes: these nutrients come from remains of dead plants that could cause water eutrophication. Do not overuse fertilizers and pesticides on crops and crops: to remove nitrate soil biological methods such as growing denitrifying bacteria are used. Recycling is an activity in which we can all work together: separate the materials correctly and ensure that selective collection is done at the point of origin to avoid contaminating the transportation.

5. today humans do not want to save the environment and atrabes this happened to many problems affecting the ecological zones

6. Human actions

7. Natural Resources son Those Goods nature that can be used by humans to meet their needs . They can also be defined as set of natural products , Media, balances, etc. , And Traditional modes: management , to the extent that these elements are threatened with disappearance or impoverishment because the development of industrial civilization .

8. Problems