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SOG app af Mind Map: SOG app

1. In app sign-in

2. Server

2.1. Guilds

2.2. Card manager

3. Interface polish

3.1. Nice launch screen

3.2. Better image buffering

3.3. Smooth transitions

4. Features

4.1. In app purchases

4.2. Achivements

4.3. Daily quests

4.4. Tutorial

4.5. Blockchainization

4.6. Campaigns

4.6.1. image

4.7. Player progression XP

4.8. In app ranking system

4.9. Multiplayer Lair creation

4.10. Blockchain address confirmation

4.11. Guilds

4.12. In-game account creation

5. Content

5.1. Have 150 cards

5.2. Have 100 levels

5.3. Better story

6. Sound design

6.1. Improvement of sounds

6.2. Music implementation

6.3. Sounds implementation

7. Meta

7.1. Icon explanation

7.1.1. Milestone 4 build

7.1.2. June build (snake version)

7.1.3. July build (summer version)

7.1.4. Public release

7.1.5. Completion rate

7.1.6. Work in progress scheduled

8. Security

8.1. Security improvements

9. App notifications communication

9.1. Guild chat

9.2. In game news

9.3. Push notification system

10. Localisation

10.1. English

10.2. French

10.3. Japanese

11. Optimization

11.1. Remove loading times, load everything in at start app