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Boxer af Mind Map: Boxer

1. How the pigs treated him

1.1. Thought of him as the one who keeps the farm going.

1.2. Sold him for money when he couldn´t work.

1.3. Did not care about him and just used him for his work.

2. Loyalty

2.1. Boxer was very loyal to Napoleon.

2.2. He tried to make the rebellion be a success as he worked at his hardest to keep the farm running.

3. Characteristics

3.1. Physical

3.1.1. Strong

3.1.2. Big

3.1.3. "...As big as three normal horses..."

3.1.4. Cart horse

3.2. Personallity

3.2.1. Not intellegent

3.2.2. Devoted

3.2.3. Hard working

3.2.4. Can not remember higher than the letter B in the alphabet.