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1. Analyzing your Audience

1.1. What industry are you entering, and what kind of work are you looking to do within it?

1.1.1. I am entering the Web Design and Development field.

1.1.2. After graduation, I plan to start my own Web Design and Development Firm.

1.2. Whom do you consider to be the primary audience of your presentation? What is the demographic of your audience (age, gender, occupation, etc)?

1.2.1. My future primary audience will be future clients in the Fashion Industry and Interior Industry. ( Fashion Designers, Fashion Stylist, Bloggers, Boutique Owners, Interior Designers, etc...)

1.2.2. My Audience is between the ages of 25-40, Male or Female, New to 5 years in the Fashion or Interior Industry, Who is self employed, with an annual income of 50,000 and up who is looking to give their existing business a face lift and who is new and want to take the industry by storm.

1.3. Whom is the knowledge level of your audience? What do you need to do because of that level of knowledge?

1.3.1. My Customer will have a general idea of what they want for their business. But, they are looking for new and exciting ideas to take their business to the next level.

1.3.2. In my company, I will offer a list of services to provide to my customer. A consultation will be the first step of business for my customer.

1.3.3. The consultation will consist of a list of ideas from the client and a detailed business proposal of services that I feel will be a great fit for my client.

1.4. Is your audience most likely to be accepting, apathetic, or resistant to your information? Strategize accordingly.

1.5. I feel my audience will be accepting of the information. My order of business will include a visual resume; Introduction of myself, my company, my education background and my experience in the industry.

1.6. Consider the manner in which your audience will consume your presentation (device, environment, setting, etc) and how this can influence decisions you make.

1.7. My presentation will consist of plenty of visual aids similar to a movie trailer. This will give the audience a visual concept that they will remember.

2. Mastering Your Material

2.1. What is the overall message of your presentation?

2.1.1. Turning your dream into visions. If you can dream it, I can create it.

2.2. List 5 possible ways that you can open with and get attention on your topic.

2.2.1. I will open with an introduction of myself and my company.

2.2.2. A visual resume of my education background

2.2.3. A slogan that can be remember.

2.2.4. Visual examples of my work.

2.2.5. Visual of what my company can offer.

2.3. What is the storyline or flow of content, of your presentation? Be sure to consider the beginning, middle, and end.

2.3.1. The story line will consist of How I got started in the industry. Education background, A slogan, Visual of work samples, A list of qualities or services that I can provide in the Web Design and Development industry.

2.4. Think of a Story that helps illustrate your big idea.

2.5. My story is about How I got started in this industry.

2.6. Brainstorm your Star moment, including how you will deliver it.

2.7. My star moment is my slogan of If you Dream it I can Create it and visuals of everything coming full circle.

2.8. What is your transition to the close?

2.9. My transition to close will show a list of services and my contact information.

2.10. How does the close tie back into the intro book? (Referring back to your ideas from question 2 can aid you)

2.11. The close will tie back into the intro with my slogan.

3. Creating your Credibility

3.1. Brainstorm three ways you can build and instill trust in your audience with yourself.

3.1.1. The three ways I plan to instill trust in my target audience: a). A visual personal story of how I got started in this industry. b). Education background and qualities that, I can offer to the industry. c). Visual examples of my work and visuals of what my company has to offer and how I can take you to the next level in your industry.

3.2. List three specific content sources (individuals, websites, periodicals, etc.) that your audience will know and be impressed that you are referencing.

3.2.1. Tobias Van Schneider one of my industry role models...

3.3. What evidence do you have to show to back up your information. Remember that a variety of evidence appeals to different listeners (Statistics, Stories, Interview quotes, example, etc).

3.3.1. Examples of existing work, Stories from potential clients.

3.4. Any behaviors of your own that can rob you of your Credibility during your presentation? How will you overcome them?

3.5. The only behaviors would be not including enough information for my audience. So, I am working hard on providing more detailed information about each and every aspect of what I will be offering to my client .

4. Deciding on your Design

4.1. Are you working with a set template or designing your own?

4.1.1. I plan to use either go animation or create my own movie trailer to show my ideas.

4.2. Consider your visual design elements (Colors, fonts, logo, graphics, etc.)

4.2.1. I will use bright colors, large fonts, plenty of visuals, a logo, and plenty of graphics.

4.3. What kinds of images will you include, and how will they relate to your topic and your audience?

4.3.1. My images will consist of: Web Design and Development tools..

4.4. Which of your points is most complex? Describe a visual you can include to help clarify and simplify this point.

4.5. I plan to use little text and more visuals. I think the only complex thing will be turning my ideas into a visual story.

4.6. Discuss the tools (hardware, software, etc). you are considering using for the creation and delivery of your presentation and why you are choosing them.

4.7. Go Animation, I like the moving animation story that they offer with their template. Depending on my time, I may try to create a Movie Trailer of what I have to offer to potential clients.

4.8. Consider any obstacles you could run into during both the production and delivery of the presentation. How will you address these?

4.9. My only obstacle will be Time Management. I plan to go over and beyond for this project. I am very exciting about turning my ideas into visuals to share with my target audience. I will be testing out different apps and templates to see what works for me and my visual concept.