The Holocaust

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The Holocaust af Mind Map: The Holocaust

1. Final Solution

1.1. 1) Final Solution was a policy followed by Nazi,Germany during world war II, which was the policy for the murder of every Jew under the German rule. The “final solution” laid the groundwork for the Holocaust.

1.2. 2) The Final Solution actually began when Hitler took control of Germany in 1933 and was plotting towards the Final Solution and not show his true intentions until 1939 when World war II began.

2. Other Undesirables

2.1. The undesirables included individuals and groups such as homosexuals, alcoholics, and homeless vagrants.

2.2. Ideological opponents such as Communists or members of certain churches, were persecuted even if they were considered members of the “Aryan Race”.

3. Concentration Camps

3.1. "9 Sinister Things Nazis Did To Inmates At Concentration Camps - Listverse." Listverse. N.p., 04 July 2013. Web. 11 May 2016. The unsanitary trains were not only dirty and gross, but packed and only had room for standing.

3.2. "Gas+chambers - Google Search." Gas+chambers - Google Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 May 2016. The gas chambers are very disgusting and could hold as many as 2,000 people at a time. It would take about 20 minutes for the people to die inside.

3.3. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust Memorial Council, n.d. Web. 16 May 2016. Instead of burying there is another option and that is to cremate the dead bodies.

3.4. "The Story of the Jewish Community in Bratislava." Forced Labor Camps. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 May 2016. The Jews were forced to work. They had to dig a grave for themselves and that’s just brutal.

3.5. "Selection." At the Concentration Camps. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 May 2016. The Jews had to go through a selection process. They were put into two different groups, one with woman and children, and another for men.

4. Nazi Beliefs

4.1. 1)Thought that if people weren’t fully Aryan blood they were considered as an epitomized mixing of races, and therefore weakening of the “blood” and thought of as a weak race.

4.2. 2) Believed that Germany should once again take a position as a strong and forceful power in the world; One of Germany's main mission would be to fight communism.

4.3. 3) Thought that every German should be reeducated; woman should be at home raising children, and men out being “manly” and being a soldier.

4.4. 4) Main belief was that the “Aryan” race were superhuman and were destined to dominate the world because of its purity and strength

4.5. 5) Believed that in order to save the “Aryan” race Jews should be first isolated and eliminated.

4.6. 6) They thought that Germans should learn again what it meant to be a “good” German: obedience to authority and unquestioning devotion to traditional German values.

4.7. 7) Insisted that the Versailles treaty must be rejected and all reparations ended.

4.8. 8) Jew’s had no rights to do anything and couldn’t go to school, have police protection, and all their civil rights removed.

5. The Kristallnacht

5.1. When - Nov.9-10, 1938

5.2. What - The Germans attacked all Jewish owned companies by smashing all of the windows and synagogues.

5.3. Where - Through Germany and Austria.

5.4. Why - The Germans wanted to show their hatred towards Jews.

5.5. Who - The Germans and the Jews.

5.6. 1) The role the Kristallnacht played in the larger Holocaust was that it followed years of discrimination against the Jews.

5.7. 2) During the Kristallnacht the Germans attacked all Jewish owned companies by smashing all of the windows and synagogues. Yes, other “Kristallnachts” have taken place since 1938, such as the famous known for the brutality Holocaust.

5.8. 3) To prevent another “Kristallnacht” from happening we just need to think about what the government is plotting and decide whether it’s a good thing or a terrible thing. For an example, when Hitler made Antisemitism (prejudice against Jews) if more people realized what a terrible idea that was and go against him, some of these the bad things that happened could’ve been prevented.