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cyber-bullying af Mind Map: cyber-bullying

1. committing

1.1. how people make ?

1.1.1. people in the web page like Facebook,Instagram snpachat and other , star :

1.1.2. sending messages  intimidating

1.1.3. threatening nature.

1.1.4. make or save image of the people and upload in the internet

2. how stop ?

2.1. -ignore

2.2. -Record

2.3. -Reach out

2.4. -Cut off the bully

2.5. -Go high-tech

2.6. -be secure of you self

3. consequences

3.1. causes

3.2. Each person's ,  shown some general tendencies.

3.3. emotional and physical stress

3.3.1. psychological problems

3.4. depression and anxiety.

4. advice for this problem

4.1. in this cases of cyber-bullying the people need to be tranquil and search for help in any cases be silence .

4.2. never give money or other things for this people

4.3. in any cases accept an invitation of a people that you dont no how is