Integrating IT in KS3 curriculum

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Integrating IT in KS3 curriculum af Mind Map: Integrating IT in KS3 curriculum

1. e-book

1.1. flashcards for math facts or vocabulary words

2. E-learning

2.1. e-classes

2.2. multi-media tools

2.3. online learning at assessment activities

3. Project Learning

3.1. Google drive

3.2. Web 2.0

3.3. Online discussion

3.4. online survey

4. self-learning

4.1. mobile devices

4.1.1. Ipad

5. collaborative learning

6. school intranet

6.1. facilitate dissemination of information and learning resources

6.2. enhance communication amongst students and teachers

7. Use IT as a presentation tool

7.1. Digital Storytelling

7.2. Using a Slideshows