Social Media and Marketing Rules of Engagement

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Social Media and Marketing Rules of Engagement af Mind Map: Social Media and Marketing Rules of Engagement

1. Social Media and the Changing Media Landscape

1.1. 1. To keep up with changing audiences, traditional media have to adopt. This has changed the way that they publish, both online and off, as well as how they can sell advertising.

1.2. 2. Many of today's newspapers publish their content online as well as in their print publication. Allowing them to receive instant commentary on their articles.

2. Marketing to Content Sharers

2.1. 1.Content sharers are content consumers who are pivotal in passing information along. Whether by using chat or e-mail, sharing links on a blog or by submitting your content to a bookmarking or aggregating service.

2.2. 2. Make content sharers jobs as easy as possible by using "chicklets" and unique and easy-to-read URLs.

3. Advertising on Social Media Platforms

3.1. 1.It is important to keep in mind that social media platforms allow anyone to have a say.

3.2. 2.Social media platforms allow marketers to capitalize on the creativity of their consumers to spread their message further at very low costs.

3.3. 3.KPIs are factors that indicate how successful you are in reaching your goals. Click-through rate could be a KPI for a branding campaign, while for direct response you need to focus on conversion rates.

4. The Benefits of Social Media to Marketers

4.1. 1. People are finding it easier to switch off or ignore traditional advertising, especially through traditional media. Social media gives brands the opportunity to interact with customers through targeted communications that customers can choose to engage with on their own terms.

4.2. 2. Social media's potential to go viral is one of its greatest benefits because when users like the content, they will share it amongst their friends in the online community.

5. Marketing To Content Creators

5.1. 1. It is extremely important to supply content creators with the tools and resources they need so that they can easily talk about your product.

5.2. 2. Bloggers can greatly influence consumers and should play an important role in PR strategy and implementation.

6. Marketing To Content Consumers

6.1. 1. Company blogs aid in allowing a brand to build a personality and to interact with it's target market directly.

6.2. 2. Using the same channels that are available to your consumer aids in understanding the consumer and evens the plane of conversation.

7. Marketing To Content Surfers

7.1. 1.Brands need to focus on where there customers are because media selection is dictated by users.

7.2. 2.Social media usage is growing fast among older internet users. This is an important fact that marketers are failing to recognize.