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Chapter's 1-3 af Mind Map: Chapter's 1-3

1. Chapter 3 Teachers-The major players in the education process

1.1. High levels of knowledge and understands what they are teaching.

1.2. Guide learning to desirable surface and deep outcomes.

1.3. Monitor learning and provide feedback

1.4. Believe all students can reach success

2. Chapter 1 Visible Learning Inside

2.1. Software-Programs inside the schools

2.2. Hardware- Buildings, resources, equipment

2.3. Intel- Core attributes

2.4. Setting the bar at 0 means we don't need any changes. We need more of what we already had. Money, resources, teachers. This sets expectations of students very low.

3. Chapter 2 The source of the Ideas

3.1. Meta Analysis- Identify a specific outcome (achievement)

3.2. Identify influence on the outcome (homework)

3.3. Systematically search database resources (journals, books, dissertations)

3.4. Outcomes will have different effects on academics. <.20 Small, .3-.6 medium, >.6 large

3.5. Chang the hinge point to .40 instead of 0