RHIT Study Cycle Mind Map

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RHIT Study Cycle Mind Map af Mind Map: RHIT Study Cycle Mind Map

1. Review

1.1. compare and contrast notes

1.2. develop questions

2. Study

2.1. form peer study groups

2.2. create flash cards

2.3. review and rewrite/type notes

2.3.1. Organize notes

2.3.2. Don't just re-read

3. Check

3.1. Self-Test, Practice Test

3.2. Teach/explain to others (study group)

3.3. Check memorization via flashcards

3.4. review old exams

4. look at homework to anticipate questions

5. read before class

6. Preview

7. Attend

7.1. engage, take notes

7.2. engage, answer questions

7.3. Why attend?