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1.1. Parental social status also directly affects bullying in both parties; a child that is bullied may have things that that bully does not which starts the lashing out process; OR the bully could be lacking basic emotional and physical needs at home based off of the parents social status,as in whether they come from High, middle or lower class status in America.

1.1.1. SOCIAL ROLES PARENTS Parents these days play a key part in the rearing of children, their actions, and how they carry themselves. "Social parenting" issues come into play with parents or Men and boys a good amount of the time. Sometimes when child rearing with fathers in the household a childs psychological standpoint is skewed because of the "boy to man" rearing, where a male child must act tough or be rough as they grow older which can alter a childs emotional state. (Sounder, Andre M.D, 2007) EDUCATORS Educators on bullying is a fine line in todays society due to the fact that there are some educators that help with trying to lower the amount of bullying that happens at school then there are some educators who simply are the bullies or help to bully children or teens. When it comes to educators on bullying there should be a prevention class done to educate our educators on the effects, warning signs and ways to help and combat bullying before the school year starts. A large-scale study by the NEA and Johns Hopkins University that examined school staff's perspectives on bullying and bullying prevention somewhat refutes that hypothesis, finding 98 percent of participants (all teachers and education support professionals) thought it was "their job" to intervene when they witnessed bullying. But just 54 percent received training on their district's bullying prevention policy (O'Brien,2011). MEDIA The media is the biggest silent killer today. Children from the ages 8-18 have so many ways to access social media on multiple devices in the home; however, with that being said it is also a way that bullying can begin without anyone noticing, leaves no traces and can lead  some children to hurting themselves or even committing suicide. Social media needs to be toned down or be accessed a lot less by children under the age of 14, and for those over the age of 14 be closely monitored until their mental state can handle the cruel things that  people say and do over the internet. This goes back to the role that parents play in the home.

2. Cultural beliefs

2.1. Cultural beliefs could also be the difference in why some children when bullied may or may not fight back in certain situations. For example when I was younger I was taught that if someone hit me, i was to hit them back (defend myself), yet in todays society that doesn't happen as much due to the fact that is frowned upon and the laws are making it a bit tougher to defend oneself in a public setting. As an adult now It is instilled that i can defend myself but only within the means of the law, and not everyones situation is my own.

3. Cultutal Bias

3.1. Cultural Bias can either have a positive or negative affect on whether a child is bullied or becomes the bully. Like I said in each (sub-bubble) cultural beliefs will always come with social or cultural bias due to someone ethnicity, language barrier, background, religion of any kind or just social class in general.

4. Cultural Beliefs

4.1. Cultural beliefs steming from existing social conditions could mean  couple of things; that either the child (bully) could have been taught to hate other groups of people from a young age OR they are going against what they are taught in the home. For example a cultural belief in the south or the hate crimes we experience today could be taught in the home and would be a prime example of why children bully or why some are bullied.


5.1. The existing social conditions that relate to bullying within children could possibly directly associated with the child's poverty status. Most children bully due to their own lack of basic needs at home.