Chapter 3 : Text

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Chapter 3 : Text af Mind Map: Chapter 3 : Text

1. Hypertext systems

1.1. Electronic publishing and reference works

1.2. Technical documentation

1.3. Educational courseware

1.4. Interactive kiosks

1.5. Electronic catalogs

2. Hypermedia structures

2.1. Links

2.2. Nodes

2.3. Anchors

3. Font Editing and Design Tools

3.1. FontLab, Ltd

3.2. Creating attractive texts

3.3. Fontographer

4. Font Mapping

4.1. Some fonts installed in your machine may not be available in other user's machine.

4.2. If the fonts that you used is not available in other people's computer, a default font will be used for substitution.

4.3. Specifying which font to be substitution is called font mapping.

5. Using Text Elements in a Multimedia Presentation

5.1. Menus for navigation

5.2. Interactive buttons

5.3. Fields for reading

5.4. HTML documents

5.5. Symbols and icons

6. Understanding Fonts and Typefaces

6.1. Font styles

6.2. Font terminology

6.3. Cases

6.4. Serif versus sans serif

6.5. Cases

7. Computers and Text

7.1. Bitmap font and Vector font

7.2. Character sets

7.3. Rasterization

7.4. Anti-aliasing

7.5. Character sets

7.6. Extended Character Set (ISO Latin-1)

7.7. Unicode