Schooling placement

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Schooling placement af Mind Map: Schooling placement

1. age

1.1. Should they be grouped by age group?

1.2. Or could they be groupes with the same age and then some students be ahead of one another.

1.3. If students are grouped with the same age some might be more acedemic than the other and be moving faster than the others in the class and doing this could just bring them down.

1.4. Would this bring students down or possibly help them?

2. Gender

2.1. Putting females with females.

2.2. Putting male with males

2.3. Or even putting some males and females together if they are working on the same pace as one another.

3. Academic ability

3.1. should schools place the students into classes with kids who have the same gpa?

3.2. Should students be moved into classes that are on different levels of reading or doing math etc.

3.3. I think students would do better to work with kids that are on the same pace as them.

4. What are some other was you could group children together in schools?