Why do people act the way they do

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Why do people act the way they do af Mind Map: Why do people act the way they do

1. childhood

1.1. If someone grew up in a bad neighborhood what they grew up seeing is the way their going to act

1.2. If their parents were drug addicts they would start the stuff their parents did early in life so they would act crazy

2. confused in life

2.1. People that are confused in life they treat people differently than what they should be treated

2.2. If a person is getting bullied they treat other people like poop cause that's the way their getting treated

3. pure pressure

3.1. Everyone else is doing something so you want to do it

3.2. You're thinking about doing something and someone forces you to do something

4. brain problems

4.1. You could've done something to your head and it'll make you think different.

4.2. You could stress yourself till you make your brain swell