Presenting and Publishing Your Research

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Presenting and Publishing Your Research af Mind Map: Presenting and Publishing Your Research

1. 1. Oral Presentation

1.1. 1. Good public speaking skill

1.2. Good preparation

1.3. Plenty of practice

1.4. Prepare a speech

1.5. Deliver the speech

1.6. Conclude the speech

2. 4. Non linear presentation

2.1. Start with introduction

2.2. Create a table of contents

2.3. Create hyperlinks

3. 5. Design and Deliver Presentation

3.1. Manage time

3.2. Keep the slides simple

3.3. Keep headings short

3.4. Have a plan b

3.5. Use a laser pointer

3.6. Include an end

4. 8. Publishing research

4.1. Why you have to publish?

4.2. Strategies for getting published

5. 2. Using Presentation Software

5.1. Presentation software features

5.2. Templates

5.3. Use a transition

5.4. Use animation

5.5. Use Power Point

5.6. Use slide show

6. 3. Self Running Presentation

6.1. Record timing

6.2. Record narration

6.3. Use non linear format

7. 6. Producing posters

7.1. Design considerations

7.2. Technical considerations

7.3. Presentation considerations

8. 7. Presenting to The Media

8.1. Use media officer

8.2. Have a clear strategy

8.3. Make media releases

8.4. Know your target audience

8.5. Know how the medium works

8.6. Identify key message