Theory of Knowledge

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Theory of Knowledge af Mind Map: Theory of Knowledge

1. Areas of Knowledge

1.1. Sense perspective

1.2. Emotion

1.3. Intuition

1.4. Imagination

1.5. Memory

1.6. Language

1.7. Reason

2. Good Knowledge Questions

2.1. These can't be yes or no answer questions, they must lead to further discussion. In other words, an answer can't be easily found in these question so they must be general

3. Personal vs Shares Knowledge

3.1. Shared

3.1.1. Shared knowledge is the transfer of information from one person to another. This is knowledge that can be gained by other people

3.2. Personal

3.2.1. This is knowledge that can only be gained by experience. However every person experiences situations differently, so the experience cannot be the same.

3.3. Point of intersection

3.3.1. debates, testing rejection or acceptance and exploration

4. Types of Knowledge

4.1. Direct Experience

4.1.1. This is the most basically the most notorious way from which we gain personal knowledge. Being told knowledge isn't the same as living the experience because you gain better understanding once you've lived the experience.

4.2. Critical Reflection

4.2.1. This is the reflection after certain experience. We are able to learn and understand much more our experiences after reflection. After the conclusion of such experience is reached, we can use the knowledge gained and apply it to future situations with better judgement.

4.3. Experiential Knowledge

4.3.1. This is when knowledge is acquired by understanding the past. Learning by experiencing