Lead Generation

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Lead Generation af Mind Map: Lead Generation

1. Daily Targets

1.1. 10 Direct mail

1.1.1. lead scraping Marketing funnel

1.2. 5 Offers

1.2.1. Yellow letter

1.3. 5 Door steps

1.3.1. Post code location engage family & friends

1.4. 2 Cold calls

1.4.1. building skill set pass on to centre

2. Weekly process

2.1. Upload leads Friday

2.1.1. Fill in Excel file send in by 4pm

2.2. Conference call Monday

2.2.1. Have your metrics to hand to discuss

3. Daily basics

3.1. New Leads

3.2. Follow up

3.3. Mission critical

4. Monthly process

4.1. Estate Agent

4.1.1. Target 3 agents monthly contact weekly

4.2. Network meeting Investors

4.2.1. Bring on 1 investor per month