Superheroes Ærø Friskole

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Superheroes Ærø Friskole af Mind Map: Superheroes Ærø Friskole

1. Cloth

1.1. Mask

1.2. Cape

1.3. Leggins

1.4. Underpants

1.5. full body suit

2. body type

2.1. big muscles

2.2. strong

2.3. Fat/Thin/Small

3. Good looking

3.1. Superman

3.2. Batman

3.3. Superwoman

3.4. Wonder Woman

3.5. Daredevil

4. Some heroes are ugly

4.1. The Hulk

4.2. Killercroc

4.3. deadpool

5. What do superheroes do?

5.1. Save people

5.2. Fight against each other

5.3. Destroy as many buildings as possible

5.4. Kills enemies

5.5. They try too look cool

6. Superheroes need

6.1. Sometimes superpowers

6.2. They need a problem

6.3. Courage

6.4. Money (if no superpowers)

6.5. A sad and touchy story

6.6. An enemy

6.7. gadgtes

6.8. Secret identity

6.9. popular

6.10. Attention

6.11. a superhero name

6.12. Practice

6.13. To take responsibility

7. How to get your powers

7.1. Go to another planet

7.2. Be rich

7.3. Radioactive insect

7.4. Radioactive rays (accident)

7.5. Hit by objects from outer space

7.6. In some sort of a ritual

7.7. Make a deal with the devil

7.8. Born with it