The Revolutions of 1848

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The Revolutions of 1848 af Mind Map: The Revolutions of 1848

1. The French Revolutions

1.1. Socialists wanted the government to agree upon the red socialist flag

1.1.1. Emerging Republicans, Liberals, and Socialist parties

1.2. Chamber of Deputies acted as "provisional government"

1.2.1. France had now created their First Republic

1.2.2. Hôtel de Ville place where Chamber of Deputies was organized

1.2.3. "In the name of the French people, monarchy, under every form, is abolished from without a possibility of return."

1.3. National Constituent Assembly

1.3.1. New assembly in Lamartine declines

1.4. February 22 banned meeting last minute

1.4.1. 22nd and 23rd barricades formed in the streets

1.4.2. Barricades began to pop in several places in the streets

1.5. Population grew from 25,000 in March to 90,000 in May

1.6. Over all Ideas of the revolution

1.6.1. Social classes Natural rights Forming a new type of government to rule to the people

2. The Central Europe and German Land Revolutions

2.1. German National Assembly

2.1.1. Held its first meeting in Paulskirche

2.1.2. These officials were not elected by the "sovereign people"

2.2. Social and Political conflicts

2.2.1. Debates about agricultural production with different classes Usually ended up in violence

2.2.2. Major debates that involved Catholism This often was mixed in with other conflicts about the state as well

2.3. Habsburg Empire

2.3.1. Austrian Empire Habsburg Austrian Empire Emperor passed the "Pillersdorf" constitution

2.4. Liberal culture with students and educated people

2.5. Over all Ideas

2.5.1. Political and social

2.5.2. Such a diverse population how do you have one nationality of the people

2.5.3. Boardlines as well

2.5.4. Very violent protests when issues began to arise

3. The Italian Revolutions

3.1. Venetian Republic was re-established

3.1.1. People began to recognize each other as "Italia" when asked about their cause

3.1.2. Under the leadership of Daniel Manin

3.1.3. Austrian diplomats were trying to conciliate with Italian and Lombard opinions

3.2. At the beginning, Radetzky attempted to regain control of Austria, Vienna

3.2.1. March 22, revolution broke out in Venice

3.3. Pope Pius

3.3.1. condemned nationalists

3.3.2. "marked with the stamp of nationality thus being deprived of a universal character as the head of the church"

3.4. Liberal and nationalistic rebellions

3.4.1. Examples: Sardinia, Kingdom of Two Sicily, etc.

3.5. Sardinia

3.5.1. Parliament type of government

3.5.2. Became the leader of the forces of Nationalism in Italy

3.5.3. Helped the army by numbers/ strength in numbers

3.5.4. Was able to increase trade with treaties

3.6. Over all Ideas

3.6.1. Mainly political/ boardlines

3.6.2. Very territorial based compared to France

3.6.3. Had a lot more boundaries to fight over