Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)

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Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) af Mind Map: Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)

1. (VLE) is a set of teaching and learning tools designed to enhance a student's learning experience by including computers and the Internet in the learning process

1.1. In the last 10 years, education has benefited from a real e-revolution - most schools and universities now have a functioning Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), at the heart of their teaching and e-learning programmes.

2. Advantages and Benefits of a VLE: ◾VLE for Teachers – Effective Transformational Working. ◾VLE for Students – Learning at your own pace, in your own time, anywhere ◾VLE for Parents, Governors and Senior Leadership Team.

3. What are disadvantages of virtual learning environments?

4. Limited access to quality technology, poor computer literacy, social isolation and the need for self-discipline are all disadvantages or potential problems with virtual learning environments.

5. VLE rooms can be created in absolutely any style, shape and format. Dynamism is a key factor when producing rooms in Fronter as maintaining the interest of the visitor makes or breaks their e-experience of the school VLE.