Joseph's Career Ideas

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Joseph's Career Ideas af Mind Map: Joseph's Career Ideas

1. Business

1.1. Serious

1.2. Good leader

1.3. Hard working

1.4. Brother created a job for himself in a company

1.5. good at math

1.6. Not great people skills

1.7. Take a risk, collect all the rewards

1.8. challenge myself

1.9. feel pride in building something of your own

1.10. polite

1.11. listening

1.12. not a risk taker

1.13. might get bored, desk job

2. Engineer

2.1. Love building

2.2. Love experimenting

2.3. Always like designing and drawing

2.4. Solving Problems

2.5. $$

2.6. get to travel to pitch ideas

2.7. Arguably has the greatest impact on the world

2.8. get to be creative

2.9. not your own boss

2.10. clients

3. Doctor

3.1. I like helping people

3.2. Dad is doctor

3.3. Good in difficult situations

3.4. Introvert

3.5. Not scared by the sight of blood

3.6. Been around doctors

3.7. not great people skills

3.8. opportunities when I graduate, many fields of work

3.9. Respect for going through all the schooling

3.10. White lab coat

3.11. Commited to my patients

3.12. attention to detail

3.13. good at communication

3.14. increased tolerance to people

4. Canoe Trip Guide

4.1. Love Coneing

4.2. Like being active

4.3. Being  me own boss

4.4. Only canoe 4 months out of the year

4.5. Stress free

4.6. Not much $$

4.7. Being outdoors

4.8. Caring about nature

4.9. Environmental actovist

4.10. Some potential risk

4.11. Become knowledgeable about plants and wildlife

4.12. skills/leadership

4.13. physicality

4.14. not afraid of being alone

4.15. urban luxuries

4.16. lack patience and tolerance

5. Scientist

5.1. Outdoors

5.2. Love expermenting

5.3. Reading about interesting things

5.4. Lab Coat

5.5. Learn new things/species/names

5.6. get to question everything

5.7. Looking for the answer

5.8. I like oberving

5.9. You can see things people will never understand

5.10. methodical

5.11. critical thinker

5.12. not afraid to ask

5.13. work alone