Live with Laureen #007

Questions covered on the Live with Laureen #007 session October 17, 2016

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Live with Laureen #007 af Mind Map: Live with Laureen #007

1. Q.20) Mrs. Smith, a 70 year old woman is brought to the hospital by her son because she has had diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain for the past 3 days. The patient states she cannot keep down any liquid or food, and has scanty urine. She is admitted for observation. The admitting physician does a review of systems that includes constitutional, neurological, ENT, eyes, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, endocrine, hematological, genitourinary, musculoskeletal, and integumentary. A complete past, family, and social history was taken and is insignificant. Physical exam: PT is lethargic but responds to verbal commands slowly. Vital signs: heart rate 76; respiratory rate 25; temperature 102.5; blood pressure 100/63. Eyes: PERRLA. The skin shows decreased turgor and mucous membranes are dry. The neck is supple; lymph nodes are normal. Lungs are clear. Heart is regular rate and rhythm, no murmurs. Abdomen is soft, with increased bowel sounds. The history is detailed, and the examination is detailed, and the MDM was of moderate complexity. A. 99218 B. 99219 C. 99220 D. 99204

2. What's going on at CCO?

2.1. New Student Support Hubs

2.1.1. launching later this week if all goes well in testing

2.2. CCO Club launching November 1st

2.2.1. Join Replay club now for $19.95 and get grandfathered in

2.3. Don't forget to join Insider Club email list

2.3.1. Get on CCO Insider list to be the first informed

2.4. Facebook Live notification list has text messaging now

2.4.1. Get a text message or email whenever we are on Facebook for a live event

2.5. New products & courses Coming Soon!

2.5.1. Courses CPB v2.0 Course CIC Course

2.5.2. Review Blitzes CPMA Blitz

2.5.3. Practice Exams CRC - Risk Adjustment CPB - Billing

3. Topics

3.1. I'm wondering when and if HCC coding will become all year around? I have my CPC & thinking about my CRC. Just not sure yet. Thanks so much!

3.1.1. HCC is a subset of Risk Adjustment Coding

3.1.2. Medicaid had CDPS plans

3.1.3. CRC = Certified Risk Adjustment Coder

3.1.4. RA coders work for health plan supposed to do quarterly pulls of documentation Aug to Oct - see a lot of health plans do a huge push to get RA coders on board to get data coded remote coding firm that reports to health plan

3.1.5. RA Coders often do RA work as a secondary type of work trial by error talk to those currently working for RA firms

3.2. SOS

3.2.1. Shiny Object Syndrome

3.2.2. Stay focused on your chosen course of study

3.2.3. Don't be a hamster on the wheel

4. Guest

4.1. CPC Practice Exam Question Breakdown

4.1.1. Q. 20

4.2. Chandra Stephenson