Copy of Mirnphta Telusma

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Copy of Mirnphta Telusma af Mind Map: Copy of Mirnphta Telusma

1. Preferred Teaching Styles

1.1. Visual focus

1.2. Hands-on presenation

1.3. Detailed presentation

1.4. Small groups

2. Preferred Study Strategies

2.1. Interpersonal

2.2. Logical-Mathematical

2.3. Verbal-Linguistic

2.4. Visual-Spatial

3. Multiple Pathways to Learning

3.1. High

3.1.1. Intrapersonal

3.1.2. Musical

3.1.3. Logical-Mathematical

3.2. Moderate

3.2.1. Verbal-Linguistic

3.2.2. Interpersonal

3.3. Low

3.3.1. Bodily-Kinesthetic

3.3.2. Visual-Spatial

3.3.3. Naturalistic

4. Building Excellence Learning Style

4.1. Introvert(75%)

4.2. Sensing(1%)

4.3. Feeling(41%)

4.4. Judging(28%

5. My career intereted

5.1. Health Science

5.2. Education and Training

6. Emotional Intelligence

6.1. high emotional intelligence

7. Successful Intelligence Result

7.1. Analytical 47

7.2. Creative 26

7.3. Practical 41

8. Personality Spectrum

8.1. Organizer 27

8.2. Adventurer 21

8.3. Giver 23

8.4. Thinker 27

9. Interests

9.1. BE succeed

9.2. Reach my goal

10. Values

10.1. Relationship with God

10.2. School

10.3. Family