Zuleika Lopez

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Zuleika Lopez af Mind Map: Zuleika Lopez

1. Education

1.1. Elementary

1.1.1. Azalea Park

1.1.2. 5th grade patrol

1.1.3. Dance team

1.2. Middle

1.2.1. Jackson

1.2.2. Soccer

1.2.3. Young Marines

1.3. High

1.3.1. Colonial

1.3.2. Science Honor

1.3.3. First to graduate

2. Work Information

2.1. Haverty's Furniture

2.1.1. 1st job

2.1.2. Cashier

2.1.3. Interior Design

2.2. Jewett Orthopeadics

2.2.1. 2nd job

2.2.2. Registration

2.2.3. Medical field

2.3. Transplant

2.3.1. 3rd job

2.3.2. Insurance

2.3.3. Hospital

3. Childhood

3.1. Early

3.1.1. Born in Puerto Rico

3.1.2. Mother: Lolimar

3.1.3. Father: Rafael

3.2. Pre-Teen

3.2.1. Attention Deficient Disorder

3.2.2. Started playing soccer

3.2.3. Started reading books

3.3. Teenager

3.3.1. Became pregnant

3.3.2. Got my drivers license at 16

3.3.3. Started working

4. Important Dates

4.1. July 2nd, 2003

4.1.1. 11 hours of labor

4.1.2. Family being together

4.1.3. Daughter born

4.2. April 10th, 2010

4.2.1. First apartment

4.2.2. Had to get 2 jobs

4.2.3. Learned how to cook

4.3. October 3rd, 2016

4.3.1. Turned 30 years old

4.3.2. Kidnapped by friends

4.3.3. Had a bunch of fun!

5. Personal Interests

5.1. Geek

5.1.1. Video Games

5.1.2. Anime

5.1.3. Puzzles

5.2. Kitchen

5.2.1. Pintrest - Recipes

5.2.2. Baking

5.2.3. Family time

5.3. Gym

5.3.1. Mud Races - Cardio

5.3.2. Eating right

5.3.3. Lifting weights