How can our perceptions distort us

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How can our perceptions distort us af Mind Map: How can our perceptions distort us

1. WEEK 1

1.1. Spoken word video: "To This Day"

1.1.1. Social Studies: Media literacy skills

1.2. Magazine analysis

1.2.1. English: (1.1), (2.2)

1.3. Nutritionist Visit

1.3.1. Health and Wellness: (W-8.2), (W-8.4)

1.4. Film: "Codes of Gender"

1.4.1. English: (2.3), (2.3)

1.4.2. Social Studies: (8.S.1), (8.S.4), (8.S.8), (8.S.9)

1.5. Interpreting Statistics

1.5.1. Math: (S-8.4.1)

1.5.2. Social Studies: Organize and synthesize researched information, (8.S.7)

1.6. Body Worlds and Mental Health Conference

1.6.1. Science: (K-8.3)

2. What constitutes beauty?

3. Is there a "perfect" body image?

4. How do we see ourselves?

5. WEEK 2

5.1. Infographic

5.1.1. Science: (K-8.4.1), (K-8.4.3)

5.2. "Da Kink In My Hair" at Theater Calgary

5.2.1. Drama: (Goal I)

5.3. Indigenous Elder Visit

5.3.1. Social Studies: Appreciate and respect how multiple perspectives, understand contemporary challenges and contributions of Aboriginal peoples,

5.4. Kris Demeanor Visit

6. WEEK 3

6.1. Spoken Word Activity

6.1.1. English: (2.4), (2.4), (3.1)

6.2. Spoken Word Showcase

6.2.1. Social Studies: Communicate in a persuasive and engaging manner verbally,

6.2.2. English: (3.4)

6.3. Debriefing, Re-conceptualizing, and Re-framing

6.3.1. Health and Wellness: (W-7.4)