How can our perceptions distort us

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How can our perceptions distort us af Mind Map: How can our perceptions distort us

1. How do we see ourselves

2. WEEK 1

2.1. Spoken word video: "To This Day"

2.1.1. Social Studies: Media literacy skills

2.2. Magazine analysis

2.2.1. English: (1.1) Discover and Explore, (2.2) Respond to Texts

2.3. Nutritionist Visit

2.3.1. Health and Wellness: (W-8.2) Analyze the impact of positive and changing choices on health, (W-8.4) Develop personal strategies

2.4. Film: "Codes of Gender"

2.4.1. English: (2.3) Understand forms and genres, (2.3) Experiment with language

2.4.2. Social Studies: (8.S.1) develop skills of critical thinking and creative thinking, (8.S.4) demonstrate skills of decision making and problem solving, (8.S.8) demonstrate skills of oral, written and visual literacy, (8.S.9) develop skills of media literacy

2.5. Interpreting Statistics

2.5.1. Math: (S-8.4.1) Collect, display and analyze data to solve problems

2.5.2. Social Studies: Organize and synthesize researched information, access and retrieve information through the electronic network,   (8.S.7) apply the research process

2.6. Body Worlds and Mental Health Conference

2.6.1. Science: (K-8.3) Interpret the healthy function of human body systems

3. WEEK 2

3.1. Infographic

3.1.1. Science: (K-8.4.1) Identify examples of research into functions and dysfunctions of human cells, organs or body systems (K-8.4.3) investigate and describe factors that affect healthy function

3.2. "Da Kink In My Hair" at Theater Calgary

3.2.1. Drama: (Goal I) To acquire knowledge of self and others

3.3. Indigenous Elder Visit

3.3.1. Social Studies: Appreciate and respect how multiple perspectives, understand contemporary challenges and contributions of Aboriginal peoples

3.4. Kris Demeanor Visit

4. WEEK 3

4.1. Spoken Word Activity

4.1.1. English: (2.4) create original text and generate ideas, (2.4) structure texts, (3.1) plan and focus

4.2. Spoken Word Showcase

4.2.1. Social Studies: Communicate in a persuasive and engaging manner verbally,

4.2.2. English: (3.4) share and review

4.3. Debriefing, Re-conceptualizing, and Re-framing

4.3.1. Health and Wellness: (W-7.4) analyze the messages and approaches used by the media to promote certain body images and lifestyle choices