What factors are necessary to ensure that foster care children are properly cared for

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What factors are necessary to ensure that foster care children are properly cared for af Mind Map: What factors are necessary to ensure that foster care children are properly cared for

1. Health

1.1. Basic Needs

1.1.1. The foster care child has access to food and water.

1.1.2. A home and clothing is provided for the child.

1.2. Mental Health

1.2.1. The foster care child is monitored for any signs of depression, anxiety, or PTSD.

1.2.2. If a foster care child shows sign of mental illness, they are taken to a counselor to have the issues addressed.

1.3. Physical Health

1.3.1. The foster care child is taken to the doctor when needed and has health care.

1.3.2. The foster care child has the ability to maintain a healthy diet and exercise.

2. Relationships

2.1. Family Relationships

2.1.1. The foster child has a maintained relationships with parents/extended family if possible.

2.1.2. The foster child is allowed to go on vacation/trips with the foster family,

2.2. Friendship

2.2.1. The foster care child can stay the night/go on trips with friends.

2.2.2. A foster care child will stay in one area so that they can maintain the friendships they make.

2.3. Adut relationships

2.3.1. The foster care child has a relationship with teachers at school.

2.3.2. The foster care child has a relationship with a community/church leader.

3. Education

3.1. Stability

3.1.1. The foster care child should remain in one school district.

3.1.2. If child is forced to move school districts, the child has streamline entry into the new school district.

3.2. Access to education services

3.2.1. Foster care children have access to 504K plans and IEP's.

3.2.2. When a foster care child falls behind, they are given tutoring.

3.3. College culture

3.3.1. A foster care child is encouraged to go to college and guided through the process.

3.3.2. A foster care child is informed of their options when it comes to affording college.

4. Normalcy

4.1. Extra Curricular/Jobs

4.1.1. The foster care child has the ability to play sports or participate in extra curricular activities.

4.1.2. The foster care child has the ability to get an after school job if wanted.

4.2. School Activities

4.2.1. The foster care child has the ability to attend school dances, ceremonies, games.

4.2.2. The foster care child has the ability to go onto school field trips.

4.3. Liabilities

4.3.1. The foster care child has the ability to easily learn how to drive.

4.3.2. Foster children have the right to visit a friend without a background check.