Sound in my media product

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Sound in my media product af Mind Map: Sound in my media product

1. Diegetic Dialogue

1.1. Dialogue between the main characters is going to be shown through synchronous sound, emphasising the idea of relationships between characters- engaging an emotional connection with the audience.

1.2. The use of diegetic dialogue in my short film media product is going to be significant in order to portray the focus message to the audience.

2. Non-Diegetic Dialogue

2.1. Refers to sound that only the audience can hear and is not visible within the scene shown to the audience.

2.2. Non-Diegetic dialogue will be used in my media product in order to build and create suspense within a scene. The build up of suspense is fitting the Todorav theory of equilibrium during the disruption stage- helping to engage the audience within the action.

3. Foleys

3.1. The use of Foley's in my media product can be significant in creating suspense by adding