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ITALY af Mind Map: ITALY

1. 1943

1.1. Mussolini is out of the power

1.2. Mussolini was arrested

1.3. Wehrmacht had the military ocupation

2. 1933

2.1. Lateran Treaty

2.1.1. give the church financial refund

2.1.2. It recognized the Vatican as an independent state

2.2. Mussolini becomes minister of war, air, nave, etc.

3. 1936

3.1. League of Nations

3.1.1. Italy leave the League of Nations

3.2. Rome Berlin Axis announced

3.3. Spanish civil war

3.3.1. Italy commits troops to help nationalism

3.4. Battle of Guadalajara

3.4.1. XI International Brigade

3.4.2. There were 2 sides Republican side Garibaldi Brigade

4. 1939

4.1. Italy invade Albania

4.1.1. Was a Brief military campaign

5. 1940

5.1. Italy Enter to the Second World War

5.1.1. Axxis powers Germany, Japan and Italy

5.1.2. allies US, France, G Britain, China, SU

5.2. Italy and Germany sign the Pact of Steel

5.2.1. they must support each other

6. 1911

6.1. Italo-Turkish War

6.1.1. Italy get Tripolitania and Cirenaica

7. 1915

7.1. World War 1

7.1.1. socialist party participated

7.1.2. Died Humberto I

7.1.3. Italy was part of the winners

7.1.4. Mussolini was against the war

7.2. Treaty of London

7.2.1. Italy finish his alliance with the triple Alliance

7.2.2. Britain ofered territory

8. 1917

8.1. Caporetto Disaster

8.1.1. Form the resist

8.1.2. Italian losses were enormous

9. 1922

9.1. Mussolini was named prime minister

9.1.1. Totalitarian state

9.2. The march on Rome

9.2.1. Italy stablish the most important political party

9.3. Acerbo Law

9.3.1. to give Mussolini's fascist party a majority of deputies

9.4. Failed the  General Strike  by socialist

10. 1935

10.1. Crisis in Abyssinia

10.1.1. Joined the German and Italy powers

10.1.2. League of Nations imposes economic sanctions in Italy

10.2. expand in Africa

11. 1919

11.1. The creation of the black shirts

11.2. Was formed one of the first facist group

12. 1918

12.1. High inflation

12.2. Italia doesn´t get all of the Treaty of Versalles

12.3. Veneto was the lider of Italy when they won

13. 1912

13.1. Treaty of Ouchy

13.1.1. Italy would return Rhodes