Before the Flood

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Before the Flood af Mind Map: Before the Flood

1. USA

1.1. 1st greenhouse gas emitter

1.1.1. Cows produce methane 1 molecule of methane= 23 molecules of CO2

1.1.2. 10%- 12% because of meat

1.2. 47% of land used for food production

1.2.1. 70% for livestock

1.2.2. 1% for fruits, vegetables and nuts

2. India

2.1. 3rd station of pollutants

2.2. Goals

2.2.1. Development

2.2.2. Moderate poverty

2.2.3. Access to electricity

2.3. 30% of the population has no electricity

2.4. 3rd reserve of carbon in the world

2.5. Uples

2.5.1. Source of energy

2.6. Biomass

3. Ice glacing

3.1. Dissapearing

4. Fossil combustibles

4.1. Petroleum

4.1.1. Transport

4.2. Carbon & Natural Gas

4.2.1. Electricity

5. Sea

5.1. Collects 1/3 of CO2 of the atmosphere that we

6. Alejandra González Basurto Group: 501 A01652616                       13/nov/2016

7. Leonardo DiCaprio

7.1. Peace Messager for Climate Change of the UN

8. Extinct species

8.1. Dodo

8.2. Passenger pigeon

8.3. Tasmania tiger

8.4. Cuaga

8.5. Moa

9. CO2

9.1. Food Production

9.2. Construction of buildings

9.2.1. Climate Change

9.3. Transport

9.3.1. Climate Change

10. China

10.1. 1st contaminant of the world

10.1.1. New node

10.2. Is taking actions

10.2.1. Prority Solar energy Wind energy

11. Tropical Forests

11.1. Amazon

11.1.1. South America

11.2. Congo Basin

11.2.1. Africa

11.3. Tropical Rainforest

11.3.1. Indonesia

11.3.2. Palm oil Cheapest vegetal oil

12. Denmark

12.1. Produces almost 100% of the electricity it needs from the wind