numeric average = 94

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numeric average = 94 af Mind Map: numeric average = 94

1. one personal goal for the 2nd quarter is:: Outside of school i am always doing something with baseball. i have my own trainer and we set goal for my body weight and also for lifting or doing more reps. One girl is to gain weight and be about 185. I was 183 last year at the start of basketball season and at the end i was 172 and now i am struggling to gain weight because i am always doing something. But my goal is to 185 bye the start of spring baseball.

2. Mr.Mo has a different way of teacher. he doesn't gives out packet and say its due in 2 days or due one topic for the whole class. No, he doesn't do that. I feel like he teaches the right way and the fun way. I actual enjoy coming to school because of 1st period. its always a fun time in here.

3. Reason for average; i did very well on the letter 2 the next president. i would've gotten a higher grade but the short story creation is still not done. That could be better. we are trying to find a way to get all of the videos on to derricks phone so he can do it at home. We have figured that out yet.

4. one goal for the 2nd quarter is to get above a 95 and keep it above for the remander of the year. My game plan for that will not be anything to different because i always work hard, the only thing differnt would be to ask for extra help when i need it becasue sometimes i get stuck on some things and i dont ask for help