Career Planning

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Career Planning af Mind Map: Career Planning

1. Prior Knowledge

1.1. What careers are

1.2. Why do people have careers?

1.3. Examples of careers/ tell what their parents' careers are

2. Future Topics

2.1. Paying taxes

2.2. Paying bills/ managing a budget

2.3. Paychecks

3. Key Terms

3.1. Careers

3.2. Job

3.3. Skills

3.4. Interests

3.5. Occupation

3.6. Professional

3.7. Salary

3.8. Wages

4. Misconceptions

4.1. I have to go to college to get a job

4.2. When I choose a career, it's what I am going to do and I can get hired anywhere

4.3. Someone will tell me what my career should be