Do Now 15 Self Directed Learning  Using Pre-Assessments for Differentiation       by Kim Piot

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Do Now 15 Self Directed Learning  Using Pre-Assessments for Differentiation       by Kim Piot af Mind Map: Do Now 15 Self Directed Learning  Using Pre-Assessments for Differentiation       by Kim Piot

1. Level 2 students

1.1. These students will work on deepining their understanding of the technologies under review. They will use a gamified approach to reviewing and learning new skills that fit into the broad skill sets that are listed in the checklist. They may be put into groups of three or four who are at similar skill levels. They can work with each other to fill in the gaps in their skill sets. For example, one group could focus on Parts of a Computer, a second group could focus on Word Document Basics, another could work on Keyboarding skills. Each group would be assigned a specific game or task to help them fill in the gaps in their knowledge.

2. Level 1 Students

2.1. These students can continue to the next level of skills on the pre-assessment checklist. When they being the Do Now 15 minute activities, they will be directed to tutorials at a more advanced level than others, depending upon their interests. For example they might participate in the Khan Academy for Computer Science. They may also be called upon to provide "workshops" on specific skills that they have mastered to other students.

3. Level 3 Students

3.1. These students will be more closely guided through the learning activities. I will provide more structured lists for them, to make sure they are learning the basic skills. Their progress can earn them points in a gamified grading system. The more advanced students and I will offer workshops for small groups on specific skills once a week. Students may be assigned or sign up for these "workshops."  These will be opportunities for providing individualized scaffolded activities based on where they are for the particular skill.

4. Cooperative and Collaborative Learning