Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence af Mind Map: Artificial Intelligence

1. Question

2. Particularity of artificial Intelligence

3. Program

3.1. Characteristics of the environment are abnormal.

3.2. Adapt their behaviour

4. Who ?

4.1. Article in Huffpost Tech

4.2. Bryan LILLIE Chief Technology Officer at QinetiQ

4.3. 12/08/16

5. Why ? Problem ?

5.1. 2020 -> Growth of the global internet of things (IoT)

5.1.1. Facilit technology market

6. Solution (to problem within IOT sector)

6.1. No security

6.2. A prime target for Cyber-attacks

7. Why artificial Intelligence was created ?

8. Protector

8.1. New level of advanced cyber security

8.2. Avoid Cyber-attacks

9. System

9.1. Gather information about network

9.2. Monitor incoming and outgoing IoT device traffic