The Enlightened Despots

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The Enlightened Despots af Mind Map: The Enlightened Despots

1. Frederick the great of Prussia

1.1. Born in 1712 in Germany

1.2. Reformed military and government

1.3. Established religious tolerance and freedom of press

1.4. Established German court of law

1.5. Left a legacy of devotion for Germany

2. Maria Theresa of Austria

2.1. Born in 1717 in Austria

2.2. Reorganized several government functions

2.3. Strengthened military power

2.4. Increases Austria's wealth

2.5. Assigned Austria and Bohemia to a joint ministry

2.6. Took power away from Provincial estates

2.6.1. Made provincial states pay the central government yearly taxes

3. Catherine the Great of Russia

3.1. Born in 1729 in Poland

3.2. Believed in absolute rule

3.3. Nakaz

3.3.1. Document on how the country is run

3.4. Brought delegates from different social classes

3.4.1. Allowed Russians to express their thoughts

3.5. Made church part of state

3.5.1. Gave all power to state

3.6. Modernized Russia

3.7. Relied on her Nobles

4. Holy Roman emperor Joseph II

4.1. Born in 1741 and born in Austria

4.2. His reforms included abolishing serfdom, ending press censorship, and limited the power of the Catholic Church

4.3. Edict to toleration

4.3.1. gave minority religions the ability to live and worship more freely

4.4. His main aim was to make his empire more efficient

4.5. Was an abolsute monarch but supported the enlightenment

5. Also called "Benevolent despotism"

6. A form of government in the 18th century in which absolute monarchs pursued legal, social, and educational reforms inspired by the Enlightenment