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Chapter 2 af Mind Map: Chapter 2

1. The Intangibles

1.1. Creativity

1.2. Organization

1.3. Communication

2. Multimedia Skills

2.1. Project Manager

2.2. Multimedia Designer

2.3. Interface Designer

2.4. Writer

2.5. Audio/Video Specialist

2.6. Multimedia Programmer

3. Hardware

3.1. Production platforms

3.2. Connections

3.3. Memory and storage devices

3.4. Input devices

3.5. Output devices

4. Development Process

4.1. Planning and costing

4.1.1. Define the objectives and scope

4.1.2. Target users

4.1.3. Set the contents

4.1.4. Prepare time estimate and a budget

4.1.5. Prepare a short prototype or proof-of-concept

4.2. Designing and producing

4.2.1. Perform each of the planned tasks to create a finished product

4.3. Testing

4.3.1. Test your programs to make sure that they meet the objectives of your project

4.3.2. Every feature and function must be exercised, every button or link must be clicked

4.3.3. Two Phases of testing: -Alpha Testing -Beta Testing

4.4. Delivering

4.4.1. Final stage

4.4.2. Package and deliver the project to the end user

4.4.3. Be prepared to follow up over time with tweaks, repairs, and upgrades

5. Software

5.1. Text editing and word processing tools

5.2. OCR software

5.3. Painting tools allow you to create and modify bitmap images

5.4. Drawing tools allow you to create and modify vector graphics

5.5. Image editing tools

6. Auditing system

6.1. Editing and organizing features

6.2. Programming features

6.3. Interactivity features

6.4. playback features

6.5. Delivery features