Live with Laureen #013

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Live with Laureen #013 af Mind Map: Live with Laureen #013

1. Co-Presenter

1.1. Chandra Stephenson

2. What's going on at CCO?

2.1. CCO Club Growing!

2.1.1. Join the new CCO Club and get in at lowest rates ever! Basic Level Currently included in all full coding course purchases.

2.2. Don't forget to join Insider Group email list and join the new CCO Free Forum

2.2.1. Get on CCO Insider list to be the first informed

2.3. Facebook Live notification list has text messaging now

2.3.1. Get a text message or email whenever we are on Facebook for a live event

2.4. New! Recently Released

2.4.1. Course CPB v2.0 Course

2.4.2. Blitz CPMA Blitz Being added to PBMA Student accounts at no charge!

2.4.3. Practice Exams CPB - Billing CRC - Risk Adjustment

2.5. Coming Soon!

2.5.1. Course CIC Course

2.5.2. Blitz CPB Blitz

2.5.3. Practice Exams CIC Practice Exam

3. Topics

3.1. Where are the HCPCS Manuals?

3.2. Could I pass the CPC or CCS Exams without a two or four year degree?

3.2.1. is there any value to getting a Graduate Degree

3.3. Comparison of CCS and CIC exams

3.4. How can I increase my salary as a medical coder?

3.5. Is Medical Coding and Billing a career where I can work from home?

3.5.1. Remote coding used to be a perk for those that have worked in the field for several years - now it is a possibility for newly certified individuals.

3.6. How long does it take to remove the "A"

3.7. For 2017 CPC test takers, should we be particularly careful to review ICD-10 and CPT guidelines in areas that have experienced numerous changes?

3.7.1. Don't sweat it

3.7.2. For 2017 ICD-10-CM pay attention to "with" guideline change - it's a biggie!

3.8. Any suggestions on how to prepare for the COBGC exam?

3.8.1. practice exams are key

3.8.2. study guide is ok

3.8.3. ACOG has a great manual - search for "procedural coding"

3.9. What are the hottest career paths in our profession

3.10. I would like to know the difference between Risk Adjustment and Medical Auditing as career choices, along with any advice on pursuing these careers.