Enlightened Despots

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Enlightened Despots af Mind Map: Enlightened Despots

1. Joseph II

1.1. student of enlightenment

1.2. religious equality

1.3. free press

1.4. tried to bring Catholic Church under royal control

1.5. abolished serfdom

2. Maria Theresa

2.1. Austria

2.2. did not push for reform

2.3. improved peasants way of life

3. Frederick II

3.1. King of Prussia

3.2. 1740-1786

3.3. work for the common good

3.4. looked up to Voltaire

3.5. Reduced torture

3.6. free press

3.7. civil services

3.8. religious tolerance

4. Catherine II

4.1. empress of russia

4.2. Looked up to Voltaire and Diderot

4.3. believed in Enlightenment ideas

4.4. 1762

4.5. abolished torture

4.6. religious tolerance

4.7. criticized institution of serfdom

4.8. expanded empire