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Brand Map af Mind Map: Brand Map

1. Personality/Things I like to do.

1.1. Travel

1.2. Snuggle with my Hubby

1.3. Fixing things

1.4. Learning NEW things

1.5. Reading

1.6. I LOVE to talk to strangers

1.7. I love spontaneity and surprises

2. Weaknesses

2.1. SO disorganized

2.2. hate writing copy and emails

2.3. over analyzing

2.4. Impatience

3. Strengths

3.1. I am a great listener

3.2. I see the potential in others

3.3. I am a risk taker

3.4. I am a great motivator

3.5. I love people

3.6. I love learning new things

4. Values/Beliefs

4.1. Integrity

4.2. Honesty

4.3. Authenticity

4.4. Community is key!

4.5. Always be humble

4.6. Vulnerability is NOT a weakness

4.7. Always give the most value

5. How can I help?

5.1. I am an artist

5.2. I have been someone who wasn't expressing her creativity

5.3. I am great at motivating and inspiring

5.4. I know how to support people

6. Unique spin

6.1. I can see the potential in people

6.2. I am a great motivator and inspirer

6.3. I bring out the best in people

6.4. I remind artists of their inner creativity and strengths.

7. Who I serve?

7.1. People who are not expressing their creativity

7.2. Those who want to fulfill their creative dreams

8. Why I care?

8.1. Because I've BEEN there

8.2. It breaks my heart that creativity is stifled

8.3. I love see artists enthusiam and creativity thrive

8.4. We need MORE artists in the world

9. Who I would love working with

9.1. People who long to express their creativity

9.2. Those willing to do the work and make BIG changes

9.3. Artists, painters, writers, all kinds of creatives!