LOGOS 2017 LOOGS Growth Strategy

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LOGOS 2017 LOOGS Growth Strategy af Mind Map: LOGOS 2017 LOOGS Growth Strategy

1. Social Operating Mechanism (SOM)

1.1. Who Should Attend?

1.1.1. CEO, CFO, COO, Pastors, Care Leaders, HOD's and all 2IC's

1.2. Frequency

1.2.1. Monthly Conference Call What is Discussed

1.3. What are the Requirement: Availitbut, Sold out, Tither, Deveopment

2. Social Marketing Strategy

2.1. New Brabding

3. Church Growth Strategy

4. The Meeting Before The Meeting

4.1. With COO Pas Rey Jan 7 - 9:00 - Feedback operations: Discover, Memenrship, Attendance

4.2. Theo - to Prep for finanicials. 1 ) Call NAD., 2015-16 : Financials - 2) TITHING: Leaders Stats- 3) Cpamnies my name is on and Rey- VODACOM,

4.3. COO - Operations

4.4. Director of Marketing CMO ???

5. All Historical Legal Documentation

5.1. Cars agreement: LOGOS own both vehicles: and pays for it and insurances and tracjker kers

5.1.1. Car Evaluation and Resultio

5.2. Salaries (loss and lack on raises)

5.3. Minutes of Prevision Boards Meeting

5.4. Policy - for Divulging Church financial:1) Member 2) Tither 12 months consistently 3) Valid reason

6. BOARD MEETING AGENDA 1) Vision Mission na d Values: S,T 2) Status on Vision, R.T 2) .....Finances, T.T 3) LAND 1) Move (plus and negative, Our Land and Building Application, Our Future Options: "don't use egg in one basket approach": mention Frans: He has a vision: he wants us to partner: He provideds Chruch wit land, We run Autonomously, He overishge other operations He has gravity - AFM and contacts in politics. (: a. He is one option 2) Pursue our current Application. ) EVENTS COMPANY. 4) MISSIONS: Part of our Vision_Nation_ Impacting; what is the opportunity: Who's is Brazzer: What is requird: Learning Gernamy, Forums, Internet.... "lerts see, as time passess: Door way to Europe: And Alos Turkey, Pakistand, 5) Leave Policy - "all pastor away" - fill in leave appl. dont sent what appl don't tell us, request leave. 6) Share Holders Return of Investment - a0 Sunday Vision Casting Meeting b) Separate Tithing meeting 7) 7) Introduce SOM MISSIONS - Europe 8) CMS- and cumpter,

6.1. Teach Musch How To Mintute:

7. CHURCH EVENTS 2017 1) BH, 2) Sister Love.

8. SUNDAY - Teams 1) Education - Principles and Minister of Education.

9. Establish Meeting etiquette 1) Phones 2) speak in your turn 3) Only English, not other language.

10. LOGOS - Website

11. France Meeting: 1) business Model Feedback

12. Ps Brazzer: Consult with

13. MEET PASTOR CALL: 1) Directors Salary and... 2) In the even tof senior PAstors death - How do i secure Salary for my wife and childen.

14. Governance: e 3 Directors, No members unless - your constitution makes provisions, Companies Act 71 of 2008 , Companies Amendment Sect 69, (disqualificatio)