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Mibs af Mind Map: Mibs

1. Miss Rosemary

1.1. She is watching over Grandpa Bompa, Mibs, Fish, Samson, and Gypsy while Rocket and Momma are gone.

2. Will Junior

2.1. is the same age as Mibs

2.2. The son of Mrs. Rosemary

3. Bobby

4. Lester Swan

5. Samson

5.1. His savvy is making people feel better with his touch.

5.2. Samson is quiet and likes to hide

6. Momma

6.1. Her savvy is being perfect

7. Grandpa Bompa

7.1. His savvy is stretching the land

8. Gypsy

8.1. Gypsy is 3 years old

8.2. She has not found her savvy yet

9. Fish

9.1. His savvy is controlling the weather.

9.2. He is 14 years old

10. Rocket

10.1. He is 17 years old

10.2. His savvy is elctricity

11. Poppa

11.1. He is in the hospital after he got into a car wreck

11.2. Has no savvy