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1. Urbanization – City as a Customer

1.1. Mega Districts

1.2. Strategic places

1.3. UN seats

2. Social Trends Changing

2.1. Generation Y

2.2. Rise middle class

2.3. Abolition of single child policy in China

3. Health, Wellness and Well-being

3.1. Focus on mass prevention

4. Innovating to Zero

4.1. Zero Emissions

4.2. Zero accidents

4.3. Zero fatalities

5. Smart is the New Green

5.1. Smart Clothes

5.2. Smart watches/phone

6. Value for Many

6.1. Products to...

6.1.1. Developed World

6.1.2. Developing World

7. Connectivity and Convergence

7.1. By 2020 --> 5 billion internet users

7.2. Connecting living

7.2.1. Will guide our lives

8. Bricks and Clicks

8.1. ONLINE retail

8.1.1. More Sales

9. Future of Mobility

9.1. Personal mobility

9.1.1. Ordering cars with Apps

10. Future of Energy

10.1. Friendly solutions