Bear Pals Around The US

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Bear Pals Around The US af Mind Map: Bear Pals Around The US

1. Home

1.1. The home page will be the options page of any destination of where one may need information. It will show a slideshow of pictures of children who have a bear pal all over the U.S, with a quick description of what bear pals is all about.

1.1.1. VIDEO PROJECT: I will include my slideshow of happy children in which have received a bear pal and inspirational quote for people looking to help

1.1.2. LOGO: I will create a bear pal logo with a child and a bear

2. About

2.1. By clicking on this page, visitors are able to read into detail on our organization and the founders.

2.1.1. INFOGRAPHICS: Here I will have a photo of the founders and how many children across America have been helped

3. Contact

3.1. By clicking here visitors can find contact information of interest in donating a bear pal to a child

3.1.1. GRAPHIC DESIGN/ QR CODE: here we will have a quick link to the "Give a bear pal now!" page, otherwise a professional email, and customer service line, donations, or request for a child in need.

4. TAGLINE: Bears are pals for a lifetime, one child at a time.

5. What we offer

5.1. Here we will show that we are a small organization and wish to offer inspiration to children. Here we will have a form application for adults who know of a child in need.

5.1.1. SCREENCAST: here we will have our screencast for those who may have difficulty understanding how to turn in an application for a child in need for a bear pal or anyone who may be be impaired.

5.1.2. GOOGLE FORM: here we will have a link for a Google form that allows people to submit an application for a child in need with some basic information safe to displayed into public, otherwise any other info will be held safe by us.

6. Give a Bear Pal now!

6.1. Here will be the options/ purchase page where visitors would be able to choose a bear for male or female , and choosing a name in whom they will be donating their bear too.

6.1.1. APP/ PROTOTYPE: Checkout page; visitors will fill out message if they wish to leave one for the child, and complete payment process and will receive an email confirmation and a minimal tracking number

7. Stories

7.1. Under the stories link we will have pictures and small paragraphs of children who have been given a bear pal by strangers around the world. Under the small paragraphs we will have a to and from location.

7.1.1. SOCIAL MEDIA/ VIDEOS: here we will have a small blog and an option of uploading their story based on approval by the company firsts. Package reveals and follow up photos.