Myself in 10 years

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Myself in 10 years af Mind Map: Myself in 10 years

1. Having my own house

1.1. Having a spot for my books/mini-library

1.1.1. Chilling and reading

1.1.2. Traveling without leaving home

2. Doing things for my mom

2.1. She spent her whole life working for us so it's time to give back

2.2. She will be my travel buddy

2.3. Treating and buying her clothes or anything she wants

3. Looking back to who I was 10 years ago

3.1. Thinking about the people who helped and motivated me to become who and what I am today

3.2. Thinking about the ups and downs that I've been through before reaching this far

3.2.1. Looking back to how I persevered

4. A graduate Information Technologist with degree

5. A Famous Writer/Author

5.1. Part of PSICOM Publishing Inc.

5.2. Known wattpad author

5.3. Letirati Writer

5.3.1. Serve as an eye-opener Be an inspiration

6. Professional Information Technologist

6.1. Well-known in this field

6.2. Helping people who needs my service

6.3. Having my own company

6.3.1. My aim for this is to mold future great information technologists who do not just value their profession but their customers as well Let them learn the value of helping other people and not just thinking about the amount of money they can get in return

7. Enjoying and having fun

7.1. I do believe that we only live once, so live, laugh, and love before it's too late

7.2. Traveling around the world

7.2.1. Learning different languages and cultures Knowing how other people from different parts of the world are living and dealing with their everyday lives

7.2.2. Going to London

7.2.3. Exploring God's lovely creatures