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Mechanical toy af Mind Map: Mechanical toy

1. Environment

1.1. The toy should not damage the environment in any way.

1.2. The process should also not damage the environment such as giving of harmful gases that may pollute the environment.

1.3. If these toys were to be made in a factory then they may produce many harmful gases but i will be making mine in a small quantity so it will not have much of an affect.

2. Size

2.1. The size should be not much bigger than hand held as it will need to be operated by hand and should not be too big or small.

2.2. The ideal meausrements would be 25cmx20cmx10cm (WxLxH).

3. Sustainability

3.1. The toy will only use a small block of wood and should last for a long time.

3.2. However, without a varnish coating, wood is not water resistant and is prone to splitting and becoming weak if it is submerged in water.

3.3. Wood should also not be exposed to high heats or any flame as it can easily catch and spread fire.

4. Function

4.1. The function is to create a moving wooden scenery, suitable for a young children to operate.

4.2. This will hopefully entertain them and keep them occupied in school, at home etc.

5. Aesthetics

5.1. Must look appealing to the Audience

5.2. Should try to contain more than one colour

5.3. This would be the thing that draws the attention to the product.

6. Cost

6.1. It must not cost too much to make and sell as the purpose is to sell to a retailer so they, and we can make a profit.

6.2. Use cheap, but high quality materials in order to sell it at a reasonable price.

6.3. The price must reflect on the quality of the product.

6.4. The price should not be too high or too low.

7. Customer

7.1. I would be selling to a younger audience therefore would need to include properties specific to them.

7.2. It would be sold to young children possibly in nursery's or lower school so should be easy to operate.

7.3. It should be interesting for a child of that age and not be too complex for them to use. On the other hand it should not be too easy as they may lose interest.

8. Materials

8.1. The mechanical toy will be made out of wood as it is a cheap, lightweight material, suitable for this project.

8.2. The materials should not be harmful to anyone especially the audience of young children.

8.3. The wood should not be able to break easily as young children may drop it.